Pure Montagne Resort & Spa



At Pure Montagne Resort & Spa, we have set up our CSR charter to make a commitment to our customers and employees to preserve our region. All it takes is a few simple everyday gestures to take care of nature, and minimize the impact of our activity on the environment.


The pillars of our sustainable development approach:

We have put in place a number of actions to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of our customers and employees while preserving the environment. Our strategy is defined around 3 axes:
1. Satisfaction: of our customers and employees, at the heart of our concerns.
2. Preservation of resources: better consumption to reduce waste and limit our impact on the environment and climate.
3. Local development: enhancing the value of the valley by promoting local partners and products on a daily basis.



The primary objective of our business is satisfaction: to create rewarding human experiences for our customers and employees alike. At Pure Montagne Resort & Spa, we are convinced that the well-being of our customers depends on that of our employees. That’s why we work hard every day to create a relationship of trust with our team members, and take care to maintain the balance between private and professional life. We are committed to applying and enforcing fundamental labor rights, such as equal access to employment, and the fight against all forms of discrimination.
Similarly, customer satisfaction is our top priority. To this end, we have put in place a number of initiatives to gather feedback and continually improve our services, build customer loyalty and strengthen the reputation of our establishment.



Our commitment to the environment is characterized by our teams’ and customers’ awareness of the challenges of sustainable tourism. In concrete terms, this means

– Reducing our water and energy consumption: in particular by installing water pressure reducers on taps and showers, using low-energy LED bulbs, and installing motion detectors / timers in common areas to limit energy wastage.

– Implementing more sustainable management of our purchases; for example, by working mainly with bulk or large-pack products to limit packaging, but also by limiting deliveries from our suppliers, and by doing away with single-use crockery.

– Improved waste management by installing selective sorting garbage cans and appropriate signage to guide and raise awareness among our teams and customers, in line with local regulations.

– Promoting soft mobility for environmentally-friendly practices, limiting nuisance and air pollution: thanks to the installation of recharging stations for electric vehicles, but also the use of hybrid vehicles for business trips by staff based at the head office. Similarly, when the season allows, we offer our customers the possibility of renting electric bicycles within the resort itself, to enable them to discover the surrounding area, while preserving the valley’s natural environment.

– Reducing the carbon footprint of digital technology: with the evolution of today’s society, the environmental impact is not negligible, and could represent up to 8% of greenhouse gases by the end of 2025. That’s why we take care to limit digital pollution, by adopting simple daily gestures such as limiting the renewal of our equipment, and planning regular maintenance and updates to optimize the efficiency of our devices while avoiding the risk of premature obsolescence. Similarly, we have rethought our communication system by creating lighter e-mail signatures, sorting our newsletter distribution lists, and giving preference to e-mails without attachments, which have a carbon footprint up to 9 times lower than an e-mail with an attachment.



Located in the heart of the Vésubie valley, Pure Montagne Resort places great importance on promoting the natural heritage and local culture. That’s why we do everything we can to boost the valley’s economy, for example by encouraging the employment of local staff.

Our aim is to help our customers discover our environment in a responsible and sustainable way. To achieve this, we make every effort to work with local partners, so that we can offer our guests a complete holiday experience. Last but not least, we take care to highlight products made by local craftsmen (regional cuisine, hospitality products, etc.).



To sum up, our CSR approach pushes us to question ourselves in order to continue finding innovative, accessible and quick-to-implement solutions to effectively reduce our impact on the environment.